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Projects & Services
The Community Design Center of Rochester has worked with these municipalities and associations throughout the nine-county Greater Rochester area:
Within the city of Rochester
- El Camino Neighborhood: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- South Presbyterian Church: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- Joseph Avenue Business District: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- SW Riverfront Area: Community Design Workshop
- Corn Hill Neighborhood Association: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- Upper Mt. Hope Neighborhood Association: Development of Community Vision Plan for South Presbyterian Church & Campus
- Maplewood Neighborhood Association: Vision plan for Dewey Avenue Corridor
- Northeast Area Development Corporation: Technical assistance for the streetscape design as part of the Main Street Grant Program
- Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood Association: Facilitating/ coordinating the Susan B. Anthony Community Design Workshop
- ARTWalk: Technical guidance and planning services to stakeholders in the Neighborhood of the Arts for the ARTWalk Extension Project
- Upper Monroe Coalition: Creation of design guidelines for the Monroe Avenue Corridor
- Downtown: Oversight and coordination on the development of materials for strategic planning for the 2007 Downtown Community Design Workshop
- Marketview Heights Collective Action Project: Oversight and coordination on development of Community Design Workshop materials
- South Clinton Neighborhood: Community Design Workshop
- Southwest Rochester: Facilitating/ coordinating the Southwest Rochester Riverfront Community Design Workshop
Within Monroe County
- Irondequoit: Site design for the Titus/Cooper town center
- Churchville: Community Design Workshop, development of Community Vision Plan and design guidelines, training session for village and trustees and citizen boards
- Hamlet of Rush Honeoye Creek Greenway Project: Facilitation of Mini-Community Design Workshop and producing recommendations and documentation
- Brighton: Coordination and facilitation of the Monroe Avenue Corridor Community Vision Plan
- Greece: Training Session for town trustees and citizen boards
- Spencerport: Development of design guidelines
In the Surrounding Area
- Village of Lima: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- Town of Lima Route15A:Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- Penn Yan, Yates County: Community Design Workshop and development of Community Vision Plan
- Macedon, Wayne County: Development of Design Guidelines
- Williamson, Wayne County: Community Design Workshop, Development of Community Vision Plan and Design Guidelines, Study redesign plans for a section of NY 104