Interested in helping?
We would love to have you!
Email us at admin@CDCRochester.org
or give us a call at (585).271.0520 to learn more!
How You Can Help!
The Community Design Center is a small organization, so we depend on our volunteers for their invaluable time and assistance. We have many kinds of volunteer opportunities, from helping out at our lecture series or conferences to assisting
with projects at the office.
We will be happy to accommodate your preference for hours and schedule.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Reshaping Rochester Lecture Series: Postcard mailings, promotions, hospitality at the lectures
- Database management: Data entry and other computer tasks
- Catalogue Library: Labeling, filing, data entry
- Poster Distribution: Visiting your local merchants
- Exhibit Openings: Mailings and promotions, hanging artwork, greeters, hospitality
- Special Events and Conferences: Clerical and preparation work, transcribing notes, creating presentations, and much more
- Miscellaneous Clerical Work: We can always use your help around the office!
- Design Professionals: We welcome input and expertise from local and regional design professionals to assist with projects and facilitate design workshops